Free Online Python Resources

Python is a popular and well documented higher programming language. It is known as an Object-Oriented Programming language (OOP). There is a lot to unpack in that last statement, but I am not going to tackle that task with this post. If you aren’t familiar with the ‘OOP’ meaning and what it means functionally, for when you are using it as a programming language, check out this link.

External Links by Category:

Straight from the source links! These links are to documentation and tutorials by those that have created the software/tools that are being exampled. Always best to check the makers of the tools first.

  • Python 3.11 Latest Stable Documentation
  • Rich Text Editors – Everyone has their personal favorite coding text editor, and I am no different. I love Visual Studio Code and notepad++. I know many others that use Jupyter Notebook and Pycharm as their IDE/TextEditor. It is completely a personal preference issue. One just needs to do something similar on the different platforms and figure out which one works best for you!
    • Visual Studio Code Downloads – Providing you are not performing this coding in a corporate environment. If so, then you must get a licensed version.
    • Notepad++ GNU Text Editor – The npp project is an excellent text editor framework. I say framework, because it is highly extensible and has a huge community of support.
    • Pycharm IDE – I have never used Pycharm, but I know of a lot of people that have used it and liked it. Definitely worth checking out in my opinion.
    • Jupyter Notebook – Again, not something I have used personally. But the coding community seems to like it plenty. Worth checking out.
  • Integrated Python Modules – Now we will reference some of the integrated python modules that comes with all distributions. The linked page is a comprehensive list of all of the incorporated modules that can be used without installing them via ‘pip’.
  • Free Online Python Tutorial Resources – This section is dedicated to the multitude of free online python tutorial resources that are available on the web.
    • Hackers and Slackers – Hackers and Slackers likely isn’t as well known as Geek2Geek or many of the other repetitive Python outlet media sources. But they take a slightly different angle than most of the tutorials. And it is an angle that I think conveys the lessons better. If you haven’t ever checked them out before, you definitely should! (Currently their site is down. Unsure what is going on there, as they had recently posted a lot of new content. If you see them come back, they are definitely worth perusing.)
    • W3Schools Python Tutorial – W3 Schools, is an excellent starting and reference point for when you need quick and pointed information. I still refer to it often!
    • GeeksForGeeks Python Tutorials – This site is really a potpourri of lessons and tutorials. They cover a ton of topics, but the application of some of the tutorials can leave some gaps when trying to do something in the real.
    • Microsoft Learning (Introduction to Python) – I really like the Microsoft learning website. There is a plethora of information there, if you can find it (Which isn’t to bad most times. Just make sure that you are in the right software revision at times, depending on what you are looking at.
  • Python External Library / Modules – This section is for the Python extension libraries that people or communities have written, to make projects easier on the programmers that follow. Some are more versatile than others.
    • PySimpleGUI – Python Tkinter extension module to make desktop GUI interfaces easier with Python.
      • PySimpleGUI Cookbook – This is the recipe and examples for using pysimpleGUi to create a desktop application.
    • Python Flask Application Factory – Flask is a super flexible web application framework. It can do anything. It is what twitter is based on. It has SSO / ADS and more authentication integrations. It can also run native python or Jinja pseudo-code(Python functions embeded in the HTML/Forms for pages).
    • Django Python Extension for Web Applications – Django is the web application framework alternative to Flask. Many similar functions and operability. But decently different in the code. Enough of a difference for a person to prefer one over the other. If constructing a web app I would definitely suggest checking them both out if the are both applicable to your purpose.

Well, that is all of the base resources that I keep on hand besides books. In my Python journey, and have learned from the following books. At this point I am starting to be able to just turn to the libraries/modules for my information. Likely still a book or two in my future though.

1. “Python Crash Course”, a hands-on project-based introduction to programming. – by Eric Matthes
2. “Flask Web Development: Developing Web Applications with Python – by Miguel Grinberg
3. “Python GUI Programming with Tkinter – Second Edition: Design and build Functional and user-friendly GUI applications” – by Alan D. Moore

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